Corona Hygienemaßnahmen im Klaes Bürogebäude

Corona Information

Secure appointments with Klaes

We would like to offer you the greatest possible security for your appointment with us,
which is why we are informing you here about the measures we take at Klaes. about the measures in place at Klaes.

Icons corona hygiene measures 5
  1. Please keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.
Icons corona hygiene measures 3
  1. Please cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm.
Icons corona hygiene measures
  1. Keep your hands away from your face and avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.
Icons corona hygiene measures 4
  1. Avoid shaking hands in greeting. A smile is enough for us.
Icons corona hygiene measures 2
  1. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly - at least. 20 seconds with soap and water.


  • Voluntarily wear mask if the minimum distance cannot be maintained. If one of the
    If one of the training/meeting participants advocates mouth/nose protection, it must be worn by all participants.
    be worn by all participants.
  • Disinfectant dispensers are located in the entrance area, in the training rooms and in the cafeteria.
  • Contact surfaces (door handles, tables, counter, etc.) are cleaned and disinfected regularly.
  • The public areas are regularly aired.

Stay healthy!

If you do not feel 100% healthy, please stay at home. We will gladly look for an alternative date at short notice.